Terms & Conditions

Dolly Duds - Terms and Conditions with a Hint of Humor

Welcome to the wacky world of Dolly Duds! Here are our slightly amusing Terms and Conditions for your perusal. By using our website, dollyduds.com, you agree to these terms and conditions, so let's dive in and have some (slight) fun!


1. Agreement to Terms

Picture this: By using our website, you're like the star of your own comedy show, and these Terms and Conditions are your script. If you don't like your lines, exit stage left (i.e., don't use our website).


2. Use of the Website

We only invite legal adults to our online party, so make sure you're of age to join. Use our website responsibly and don't be the party pooper who breaks the rules. Laws and regulations are like our dress code - follow them!


3. Privacy

Your personal information is as precious as a good punchline. Check out our Privacy Policy to see how we promise not to spill the beans.


4. Intellectual Property

Our website is like a comedy club – it's all our original content, and you can't steal our jokes (or anything else) without asking nicely. Please don't be that person who plagiarizes jokes at open mic night.


5. User Accounts

Think of your user account like a backstage pass to our website. Keep it safe and don't let anyone else steal the spotlight. You're in charge of everything that happens under your username.


6. Orders and Payments

When you order, make sure you've got the right punchline – accurate payment info. We promise not to throw tomatoes, but we may cancel orders if something doesn't add up.


7. Limitation of Liability

We're all about laughter, but not when it comes to legal stuff. If something goes wrong, we're not responsible for things like lost profits or computer viruses. Keep your antivirus software updated, just in case.


8. Governing Law

Think of Egypt as our comedy club jurisdiction. Any disputes will be settled in our favorite courtroom – the ones in Egypt.


9. Contact Us

If you've got questions or concerns, reach out to us at hello@dollyduds.com. We're more fun than a barrel of monkeys – well, at least a basket of kittens.


By using our website, you're essentially saying, "I've read, I understand, and I'm cool with these Terms and Conditions." Thanks for joining the Dolly Duds show!